Who we are and what we do
Monmouth Field and History Society was founded in 1952 (as Monmouth Field and Antiquarian Society).
The Society’s Objectives are to:
a) Foster research into and collect records of the history and natural history of Monmouth (copies or records shall be deposited in the Local History Centre [now part of Monmouth Museum])
b) Publish such material as the committee shall decide
c) Support the Local History Centred) Arrange exhibitions, lectures and field meetings
e) Provide assistance for research by members and bona fide students
We have a lecture each month from September to March on the third Friday at 7pm and in the spring and summer we have outings and a summer party
Our President is Stephen Clarke, MBE, FSA, MCIfA, who is also Chairman of Monmouth Archaeological Society.
Our chairman is Charles Boase (tel 715076) and treasurer John Atherton.
Membership is £10 (our year starts in September)
Please contact us for more information